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The PCE report drops to 2.1%. Here's what that means for interest rates. CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20241031 22:30:17
Walz's closing campaign message to air on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Trump's wealth slumps by $1.9 billion amid DJT stock plunge CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
20241031 22:30:17
Vote for a Healthy Climate for Our Children Scientific American
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To Develop Tamoxifen, Dora Richardson Took Her Research Underground Scientific American
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Catastrophic Floods in Spain Kill at Least 95 People Scientific American
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Scientists Spy a ‘Dandelion’ Supernova around a ‘Zombie’ Star Scientific American
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Passenger attacked while sleeping on flight: 'His face was bruised and bloody' CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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How Starbucks' new CEO plans to renovate its aging brand CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Tumblers sold at Wawa stores recalled after reports of cuts CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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New research on climate and extreme weather CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Former CIA officer found not guilty in assault case CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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FTC sends $2.5 million to Credit Karma customers CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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The PCE report drops to 2.1%. Here's what that means for interest rates. CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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How 'Here' brought Tom Hanks and Robin Wright together again CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Harris leans into economy, abortion rights in new ads in final days of campaign CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Trump's wealth slumps by as much as $2.4 billion amid DJT stock plunge CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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'Win With Black Women' founder on group's role in historic election CBS NEWS - SCIENCE
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Bird Flu Is One Step Closer to Mixing with Seasonal Flu Virus and Becoming a Pandemic Scientific American
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Catastrophic Floods in Spain Kill at Least 95 People Scientific American
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Why Election Polling Has Become Less Reliable Scientific American
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Vote for a Healthy Climate for Our Children Scientific American
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Zoetrope Animation Is Back. Here’s How to Make One Scientific American
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To Develop Tamoxifen, Dora Richardson Took Her Research Underground Scientific American
20241031 20:00:30
Why Election Polling Has Become Less Reliable Scientific American
20241031 18:20:20
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